Rosemary Garlic Cheese Bread
@ Adam Knox | Monday, May 17, 2021 | 2 minutes read | Update at Monday, May 17, 2021

Recipes without the 10000 word essays


Dough Ingredients - Stage 1

  • Yeast - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Water @ 110f - 3/4 cup

Dough Ingredients - Stage 2

  • Flour - 2 1/3 cups
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Unsalted Butter @ room temp. - 3 tbsp
  • Egg - 1 large
  • Garlic Powder - 1 tsp
  • Rosemary - 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Crushed Red Pepper - 1 tbsp (ground)

Filling Ingredients - Stage 1

  • Butter @ room temp. - 6 tbsp
  • Rosemary - 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • parsley - 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • garlic - 4 cloves (finely chopped)
  • salt - 1/2 tsp

Filling Ingredients - Stage 2

  • Mozzarella - 1 cup (shredded)
  • Provolone - 1 cup (shredded)


Activate the Yeast

  • Whisk together stage 1 dough ingredients
    • yeast (2 tsp)
    • sugar (1 tbsp)
    • milk @ 110f (3/4 cup)
  • Let stage 1 dough ingredients react for 10min

Create a dough ball

  • Add stage 2 dough ingredients:
    • egg(1 large)
    • Unsalted butter @ room temp. (3 tbsp)
    • salt (1tsp)
    • garlic powder (1tsp)
    • finely chopped fresh rosemary (1tbsp)
    • ground crushed red pepper (1 tbsp)
    • flour (2 1/3cups)
  • Knead until you have a uniform ball
    • I use mixer with a dough hook on low
    • Add small amounts of water or flour to get a consistency that will hold together in a ball


  • place in greased bowl with air tight cover and proof for 60min
    • cover is to hold in moisture
    • I proof using the proof setting on my oven

Create Filling

  • Combine filling stage 1 ingredients
  • Shred your cheese

Build the Bread

  • Turn risen dough into 4 inch “pancakes”
  • Coat one side in filling stage 1 ingredients
  • Sprinkle the cheese on the filling
  • Fold pancake in half with filling and cheese inside
  • Layer the pancakes in pan
  • Let proof 45min

Cook the Bread

  • Sprinkle any toppings (e.g. italian herb blend, some cheese, some oil)
  • Bake at 350f on third rack from the top for 1hr
  • Let cool until your mouth won’t burn when eaten

© 2019 - 2021 Adam Knox

Powered by Hugo with theme Dream.

  • Yoga/Somatics ☋ Running ☊ Biking ☋ Health
  • Software Development ☊ Electronics
  • Minecraft ☋ Drumming
  • Photography ☊ Travel
  • Finance ☋ Psychology
  • New Experiences
  • Tea ☊ Coffee
  • 2019 🕸 Created Pointer - A Dart/Angular app for pointing stories with a distributed team
  • 2019 🕸 Founded on Github pages and Hugo
  • 2018 👷 Senior Software Development Engineer in Test at Workiva
  • 2016 👷 Software Development Engineer in Test at Workiva using Docker, Python, Go, Dart, Big Query, and AWS
  • 2014 🕸 Created Stat View - A chrome extension for making devops on appengine easier
  • 2014 🕸 Created Path Analyzer - A tool for tracing function calls through python code
  • 2013 👷 Software Developer at Vendasta using Javascript, Python, Docker, Big Query, GAE, and SASS
  • 2013 🎓 Graduated from University of Saskatchewan - Physics
  • 2013 🕸 Founded - backed by Python on Google Appengine
  • 2012 🎓 Graduated from University of Saskatchewan - Computer Science
  • 2012 👷 IT Summer Job for University of Saskatchewan Facilities Managament - Switch division to thinapps
  • 2011 👷 IS for Saskatoon Public School Division - Update all schools networks & build VB.NET/MySQL chat app
  • 2009 👷 IT Summer Job for City of Swift Current - Update computers and OS for all city service
  • 2007 🎓 Graduated from Swift Current Comprehensive High School
  • 2007 🏆 Won Skills Canada Saskatchewan electronics competition
  • 2006 👷 First commisioned work - PHP/MySQL inventory tracking system
  • 2005 🕸 Created the “VME Panel” Content Management System via PHP/MySQL
  • 2005 🎓 University of Calgary Summer C++ Camp
  • 2004 🎓 University of Calgary Summer Photoshop/DarkBasic Camp
  • 2004 🏆 Participated in Skills Canada Saskatchewan web design competition
  • 2004 🕸 Founded
  • 2003 👷 First Google Adwords Cheque
  • 2003 🕸 Founded
  • 2001 🤦 Discovered building websites with geocities, and how to rack up a large dial-up bill

Hi! I’m Adam and I hope you can get some value out of the collection of information I’m building here. I’m currently a Senior Software Development Engineer in Test with Workiva during the day and during the evenings I’m learning about a variety of subjects, relaxing, or honing some kind of skill. I would like to keep primarily focused on software development, but photography and cooking are going to show up a lot too.