Recipes without the 10000 word essays
Scraping out in the middle of nowhere
Outlook looking over Death Valley from atop a montain pass heading into it
Overlooking Saskatoons latest construction projects from the renaissance condo building
Recipes without the 10000 word essays
Overlooking Saskatoons latest construction projects from the renaissance condo building
Rural winter graveyard illuminated by aurora
The temple of Kukulcan, no snakes shadows this day unfortunately
A Turtle at the Dallas World Aquarium checking out my camera. Totally wants to become a photographer.
Heavy smoke hanging over Saskatoon from forest fires
Mist hanging above the ground and aurora hanging in the sky
Rural Montana Storm
Rural Sask. Sunset near Strongfield
Stopped in rural Montana to look at the beautiful storms and found this stop sign with some bullet holes in it.
A jellyfish at the Henry Doorly Zoo
Land of the Living Skies!
Muddy road at big muddy
Little Olympus deciding whether or not to nap
Air glow and the milky way above Yellowstone Lake
These days we have so much information being thrown at us from all directions that it’s hard to figure out what to do with it. I decided to try hosting an encrypted tiddlywiki with github pages for organizing my life, read on to find out how it’s gone.
Summer in Saskatchewan is really something.
Dynamic sites are all the rage these days, but static sites have their own advantages. I decided to try out Hugo to generate this one, and this is what I learned.
Hi! I’m Adam and I hope you can get some value out of the collection of information I’m building here. I’m currently a Senior Software Development Engineer in Test with Workiva during the day and during the evenings I’m learning about a variety of subjects, relaxing, or honing some kind of skill. I would like to keep primarily focused on software development, but photography and cooking are going to show up a lot too.